Expect Top Quality
Depending on its needs, a manuscript can undergo several different types of edits. Included below are descriptions of the services I offer. If after examining these you aren't sure which you need, feel free to contact me with any questions. If what you need isn't listed below, contact me for a quote!
No matter what you're looking for, I do have some ground rules.
Standard manuscript page: 250 words
Sample edit: First chapter free, up to ~2,500 words.*
Charges: by page or by hour (your choice).
Turnaround: Depends on editing format and manuscript length. Additional charges may apply for expedited requests.
A final cost estimate will be provided once your request and information has been received.
*Does not apply to short stories, blog posts, etc. Contact me for details.
Check then you're set!
"I'm swinging by the store to grab milk"editing.
Proofreading is a relatively quick process of finding easily repaired cosmetic fixes. It covers spelling, grammar, and typographical errors.
Best suited for: manuscripts needing one more polish before submission.
Sample edit: free
Hourly: $15/hr (9-13 pages/hr)
By Page: $1.50/page

Clean and Professional *Most popular*
In addition to checking grammar, copy/line editing examines a manuscript's accuracy, flow, word choice, paragraph structure, etc.
Best suited for: manuscripts that have a solid grasp of the big ideas (plot, characterization, etc), but need help ironing out wrinkles on a small-scale, line-by-line level.
I offer two types:
Checks grammar, accuracy, and reworks small areas of text for flow and structure.
Sample edit: free
Hourly: $30/hr (5-10 pages/hr)
By Page: $4.50/page
Does all of the above, but more extensively, which may mean major reworking of style, paragraphs, etc.
Sample edit: free
Hourly: $40/hr (2-5 pages/hr)
By Page: $8.00/page
Structure and soundness
A special package designed for writers who did the hard part of drafting a novel, but still have work to do before it’s ready for submission. If you have questions about whether something “works” in a story, want thoughts about character, audience, the plot, direction or theme this may be for you. Your story will be read start to finish, marked along the way with insight and advice, and any questions you ask will be answered. In addition, you’ll be provided with a 2+ page analysis of what worked, what could use improvement, thoughts on POV, pace, flow, etc in an easy to read format.
Best suited for: early manuscript drafts where major revisions (line editing, etc) have yet to occur and the writer still has work to do.
Sample edit: free
Hourly: $40/hr (4-5 pages/hr)
By Page: $7.50/page

Remember: if what you need isn't listed, contact me for a quote!